The Sacraments are central to our life of faith. The Sacraments give us grace, a sharing in God's life. They are given to us by Christ in order to draw us ever closer to Him.
Are you a parent interested in getting your infant or child baptized? Call the parish office at 5704890752 for more information.
Are you an adult who has never been baptized and is interested in becoming Catholic? Call the parish office at 5704890752 to inquire about the R.C.I.A.
Confirmation is the Sacrament in which the Holy Spirit comes to us in a special way to make us strong and perfect Christians and witnesses of Jesus Christ. Confirmation completes our initiation into the Church and into the Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ.
Confirmation is celebrated every year in each parish for the current 8th grade class. Once every three years, Confirmation is celebrated with the Bishop at a Church designated by the Bishop. On the years when the Bishop does not come to celebrate Confirmation with the parish, he designates the pastor to celebrate the Sacrament on or around Pentecost Sunday.
Parents who are interested in having their child receive Confirmation should have their child enrolled in Religious Education Classes.
Ginger Boandl from Holy Cross Parish receiving the 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit from the Rev. Scott Sterowski
May 2023.
The Eucharist is the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ. As Catholics, we believe that the Eucharist is not a sign or a symbol of Jesus, but His Real Presence. It is the center of our lives and the Sacrament of all Sacraments because the Eucharist is Jesus.
First Holy Communion is celebrated in each parish every year by our 2nd grade class around the first week of May.
Students prepare to receive First Holy Communion over the course of two years in our 1st & 2nd Grade Religious Education classes. If you are interested in your child enrolling in classes so that they may be prepared for First Communion, contact the parish office at 5704890752.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation, also known as Penance or Confession, is when we confess our sins and recieve forgiveness for them. Jesus gave us this Sacrament on the first Easter Sunday night when He told the Apostles, "whose sins you do forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained."
Confession is nothing to be afraid or ashamed of. We all sin. This is a beautiful Sacrament because it is a place where Jesus always wins. We come back to God and are made right with Him again.
3:15 - 3:45 pm at Holy Cross Parish
4:45 - 5:15 pm at Blessed Sacrament Parish
First Penance is celebrated jointly by both parishes around the first weekend of February each year.
Students prepare to receive First Penance over the course of two years in our 1st & 2nd Grade Religious Education classes. If you are interested in your child enrolling in classes so that they may be prepared for First Penance, contact the parish office at 5704890752.
This Sacrament imparts peace, strength and consolation to those who suffer from an assortment of sickness, injury or disease. Christ draws close to the sick in this Sacrament.
For those who are dying, Christ gives them the strength to face the final human test of death.
If you or someone you know would like to receive this Sacrament, please call the office at 5704890752 so that Fr. Scott can arrange a time to meet you or your loved one for the Anointing.
Matrimony is the Sacrament is which a man and woman exchange vows and promise to live in a life-long exclusive union together. The love of a married man and woman reflects the love that Christ has for His bride, the Church.
If you would like to get married at either Holy Cross or Blessed Sacrament, please contact the parish office at least 12 months in advance of the proposed marriage date in order to ensure that there is enough time to complete all the necessary paperwork and requirements.
This is the Sacrament in which a baptized male Catholic is ordained as a deacon, priest or bishop. Priests do many things including:
If you believe that God may be calling you to serve His Church as a deacon or priest, please click on the link below.
Holy Cross & Blessed Sacrament Parishes