Various collections, drives and programs are announced in the bulletin and website throughout the year. A hot meal is sponsored and provided to St. Anthony's Haven at Christmas and Easter. Please consider assisting and donating with these worthwhile activities when they are publicized.
The Holy Name Society of Blessed Sacrament Parish under the leadership of president Adam Nosak continues to help to improve both the spiritual and material community of Our Parish. The local group which traces its roots back over at least ninety years continues to help support all aspects of parish life. They are always ready to support the parish family in financing all youth activities. From the Annual Youth Events at Our Family Festival to Holiday Parties to any expenses that may come about in the operation of the Parish, the group always is on board.
Members have contributed their time and talent with maintenance projects such as installing cost efficient lighting, parish hall clean-up, and planting flowers at the three Parish Cemeteries.
They have also committed to the fellowship of our parish with the Annual Spring & Fall Hospitality. Different fundraisers including Easter Food Items, Sausage Sandwich Sale, and Christmas Ornament Sales with Our Parish History, have taken place since the parish merger in December of 2009. The hope is to continue with success in 2023, bringing back the highly anticipated Annual Communion Breakfast-after absences accelerated by the pandemic, and look at new avenues to continue to help parish-life here at Blessed Sacrament. Meetings are scheduled
for the second Sunday of the month at 6PM. New members are always welcome. If you're looking to meet some fellow parishioners, have ideas for improving parish life both spiritually and materially, stop in.
The Blessed Sacrament Parish Altar and Rosary Society’s purpose is to promote prayer and adoration to the Lord Jesus, the Blessed Sacrament, and to increase honor to his Blessed Mother, through devotion to the rosary.
New members are always welcome!
The society meets monthly, generally September through May, on the first Thursday of the month. The rosary is recited at 6:30 PM, and the meeting follows at 7 PM, with prayer, lively discussion and refreshments. It is a great way to connect with familiar faces or meet new ones.
The Society host fundraisers, such as bingo, raffles, and bake sales. The proceeds are used to sponsor events such as the children’s Christmas party, and Easter egg hunt, purchase gifts for recipients of First Holy Communion, flowers for the altar, as well as assisting the parish with any needs. The Society collects food for the local food pantries, baby items for Saint Joe’s, and various items to assist our community.
Member support continues with prayer, a rosary service, and an honor guard at a members funeral. We also remember our members in memorial masses.
We invite everyone to join us for prayer, refreshments, and friendship! Please join us at our next meeting on Thursday, March 2nd, at 6:30 PM to recite the rosary, and bring your ideas to the meeting afterward.
This is a great way to support your parish!
The Confraternity of Christian Women welcomes women of any age for prayer, community, spirituality, service, and friendship.
While primarily a spiritual group, the Confraternity also helps organize and run several different events throughout the year. Members are also active in volunteering with other parish ministries.
The group raises funds for the benefit of the Parish. The largest fundraiser for the Confraternity of Christian Women is the lotto. Usually planned 2 times each year, this event has raised funds to cover the cost of improvements to the church building including new carpeting and chairs for the Pope John Paul II Chapel, a handrail for the Grant St entrance, an AED, a new shed in the parking lot, and various plumbing repairs to the basement. Other purchases include a new computer and telephone system for the Parish Office and furniture, carpeting, and appliances for the rectory. Additionally, gifts are purchased for each First Holy Communicant, albs are purchased for the altar servers, and supplies for the Weekly Wednesday Lunch are provided.
The women of the Confraternity also send greeting cards and deliver flowers to the homebound for both the Christmas and Easter holidays. The group has also provided refreshments after the All Soul’s Day Mass of Remembrance, after the Thanksgiving Day morning Mass, and after Stations of the Cross during the Lenten Season. They also sell carnations on Mother’s Day to benefit the Pennsylvanians for Human Life.
Meetings are held 6 times per year, however, they have been suspended during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Provides meals on a weekly basis on Wednesday's
at 12 noon in Kelly Hall.
Please contact the parish office at 570-489-0752
if you would like to help with this worthwhile endeavor.
Occurs weekdays(Monday - Friday weather permitting). The Blessed Sacrament is exposed and adored by volunteers who sign up for one hour or more to pray before the Lord Jesus
present in the Monstrance.
If you would like to experience a peaceful hour in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, please call Eydie at 570-489-8816.
Holy Cross & Blessed Sacrament Parishes