If you are interested in participating in any of these ministries at Mass for either parish, please contact the parish office at 5704890752 for more information.
If you are interested in participating in any of these ministries at Mass for either parish, please contact the parish office at 5704890752 for more information.
Altar servers assist the priest at Mass. Servers carry the processional cross and candles, and they help the priest prepare the altar for Communion.
This is a great way to engage and participate in the Mass!
To be eligible, a student must have received First Holy Communion.
*Training is required!
Men and women who assist at Mass or Funeral masses to enhance the worship of our faith community.
The Extraordinary Minister of Communion, or E.M.C., assists in distributing Holy Communion at Mass. You must be at least 21 years of age to be an E.M.C.
*Training is required!
*Note: If you are between 18 and 21 and you are an E.M.C. at your college, you may act as a Eucharistic Minister in your home parish.
Holy Cross & Blessed Sacrament Parishes