If you currently do not receive offertory envelopes in the mail and would like to start receiving them, please call the parish office at
570 489 0752 in order to be added to the mailing list.
* You may also choose to donate online by clicking the tab at the top of this page called "Donate Here" and then selecting "Online Giving".
It is a time honored Catholic tradition to have Masses said in honor or in tribute to a particular person and to provide Mass Cards to comfort relatives, friends, and loved ones.
The offering for each Mass is $10. Please call the parish office at
570 489 0752 to request and / or schedule a Mass Intention.
You can memorialize your loved ones by offering the Hosts and Wine for the weekend Masses at either parish.
The cost is $25.00.
Please call the Parish Office at
570-489-0752 to make arrangements.
Memorial Donations made be made
"In Memory of...." of a deceased loved one at either Holy Cross Parish or Blessed Sacrament Parish. For more information, please contact the
parish office at 570-489-0752.
You may purchase the altar flowers for the weekend Masses in Memory of a loved one at either parish.
The cost is $65.
Please call the parish office at
570 489 0752 to do so.
The candle, placed before the tabernacle, is a sign that the Blessed Sacrament is reserved. Its continuous burning indicates and honors the presence of Christ.
The sanctuary candle may be requested in honor or in tribute to a particular person. Each intention is for seven days. The offering for each intention is $10 for the week.
Sanctuary candle intentions may be requested at the Parish Office by calling 570 489 0752.
Contact the Diocese of Scranton directly to Donate to the Annual Appeal by selecting the blue button below.
Holy Cross & Blessed Sacrament Parishes